New financial aid course required

In order to meet a new financial aid requirement, all financial aid students starting this summer term must now register for and attend a free, mandatory seminar.

New and currently enrolled students are both required to attend, and aid can be suspended if students do not complete the seminar in time. Summer students must attend the seminar by June 18.

The interactive seminar will cover topics such as repayment options, award types, cost of attendance and budgeting.

"We want to help inform students," Kelli Macha, a UCC financial aid specialist, says. "We are one of the first [schools to hold these seminars]. They are in response to the heightening regulations from the Department of Education. They are becoming stricter on what students can use financial aid for, things like repeated courses and exceeding the 150% credit limit."

Students can register now for the seminar by adding it to their class schedule. Day, evening and weekend options are available. CRN numbers with dates and times are on the UCC Financial Aid website at

The Mainstream is a student publication of Umpqua Community College.