Hawk Hangout, what is it?

Published by Katie Gray on

Students can interact with each other and learn more about what is offered at UCC by visiting the Hawk Hangout Canvas option on the Canvas dashboard.

The Hawk Hangout shell can be found on Canvas.
Infographic by Peyton Manning / The Mainstream.

Opening the Hawk Hangout was a part of one of PTK’s college projects last year to help support the college’s goals and its overall mission. The primary focus for Hawk Hangout is to spread positivity and help students interact with each other, especially with Motivational Monday announcements.

Hawk Hangout provides specific modules for UCC clubs with opportunities for students to learn about the club or apply.

The specific modules as of right now include Welcome, ASUCC, Student Services, Clubs and Activities, Student Voice, Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) and The Mainstream (the student newspaper).

Every module is interactive, so a student can go in there and ask a question. In The Mainstream module, students can submit ideas to the paper of what they want it to cover or ask a question that reporters will research or find out how to apply. The Mainstream is also accepting new writers up until midterm this term, or any time for the rest of the school year.

The Welcome module has an updated calendar of the week’s activities in any UCC sports, drama, art, music, or club event. It also highlights national holidays. ASUCC and Student Life activities such as the Take Flight workshops are also on the calendar.

Eventually, ASUCC wants to include a list of currently active clubs and meeting times so students can learn about meetings through Hawk Hangout. UCC usually has a multitude of clubs, but a few of them this year still need to complete their annual required recertification.

In the Phi Theta Kappa module soon, students should start looking for information on PTK’s new project. Every year PTK does a research-based project referred to as “Honors in Action.” This year they will be studying “What is society’s influence on children’s perspective on and ability to cope with death? How do different cultures teach children about processing death? What are their methods of education and best practices? “Their officer team chose this topic to study because of the circumstances with COVID. The research project will include a survey for children ages 4 to 11 and their parents.

PTK member Ella Rader says, “The survey has two sections. The first section is for the parent or guardian to fill out answering questions like how old the child is, have they ever attended a funeral, has anyone ever talked about death to them, etc. The second section is for kids and includes questions like what you think happens when we die, are you scared of death, etc. The second section has an option to be recorded. The parent/guardian has the choice to either type the child’s response or record a video. In the survey, there is a spot to upload a video.”

For Katie Gray’s previous post on Hawk Hangout, click here.

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