Student government leadership applications now available on school website

Published by J.R. Williams on

All ASUCC student government positions are open for the upcoming spring term election . Applications for senator and leadership seats must be submitted by May 6, 2022.

ASUCC develops, organizes and executes the events, activities and outreach available on-campus. Student government is aimed at improving the quality of life for students and is a frontline access point for students to voice their needs and concerns with the college.

Student government services currently provide food boxes, personal hygiene products, laundromat vouchers, gas vouchers and school supplies. Special needs circumstances are assessed on a case-by-case basis. For example, students who need a food box or gas card beyond the one-per-term allotment can request additional consideration. Also, students who have a special need not currently provided can ask ASUCC for possible assistance. 

Leaders in student government are part of what helps the student body feel more connected and engaged with the college. ASUCC works in partnership with student services and administration to cultivate the vibe of student life on-campus. Student government leaders inform the administration about student population needs and help advise the administration on how best to spend funds allocated for student services. Funds for ASUCC activities are paid for by students through the student resources fee during registration. Each student pays $14.50 per credit or approximately $174 per term for full-time (12-credit) students. This breaks down to $58 a month of individual contribution per student. 

ASUCC leaders are given sponsored opportunities to attend regional events paid for by the college. These events allow students to not only network with other students but also mentors and can help students cultivate their leadership and teamwork skill building.

“ASUCC offers students the opportunity to learn and grow through new personal experiences but also vicariously through the experiences shared by others. It allows participation in events and gatherings within the local community and at regional and sometimes national levels,” said current ASUCC president Amanda Cerda.

Student government involvement can be a catalyst for personal growth as well as professional development.

“Participating in student leadership allows students to develop personal connections and networking opportunities, as well as expand their resumes with additional volunteer experience through service. The events are often uplifting yet humbling experiences that offer alternate perspectives that students may not be exposed to otherwise, which is important for developing a positive and empowering mindset,” Cerda said.

Inadequate participation in student government is one reason that many on-campus activities geared towards student enrichment have not taken place. Work cannot be done if no one is there to implement student ideas.

Students are the eyes and ears of UCC, but without a voice behind the student experience, potentially valuable feedback is lost. Without a student government, the college has almost no input from students whatsoever, meaning the administration can only assume students’ needs and the best ways to meet those needs.

Students are encouraged to approach student leadership and student services if they have a need that ASUCC does not currently meet. Until students share what’s missing from their college experience, leadership and administration can’t know what changes to address. Submit requests via email, over the phone, or in-person at the ASUCC office.

Students who aren’t involved often feel alienated. But working with other students can be empowering. “I now know that I wasn’t alone in feeling isolated before coming to UCC, thanks to motherhood, the pandemic, and other personal matters. I started to feel like the world was full of negative people who were only concerned about themselves; but after becoming involved with ASUCC, I began to realize that we really are all in this together,” Cerda said.

In order to be nominated for the election process, applicants must meet certain requirements including enrollment at UCC in the prior term with a current enrollment of at least three credits and a 2.50 GPA or better. Students must also possess a 2.50 cumulative GPA or better and not have any formal disciplinary actions with the college. Students must maintain these standards throughout the election process and while serving in student government.

All applications must be submitted by May 6, 2022.

Once elected into the ASUCC cabinet, students must commit to at least a weekly 10 to 12 hour time requirement, in which students participate in council meetings and projects geared towards improving student quality of life on-campus. In return, students receive tuition assistance for up to 12 credits and an illustrious addition to their resume and worldly experiences.

UCC offices are located in the LaVerne Murphy Student Center and students can stop by and speak with members of student leadership and student engagement to learn more about the roles and expectations of student leaders and the services available for students to utilize.

For more information contact ASUCC student leadership at 541-440-7849 or on their Facebook page.

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