ASUCC approves partial funding for Flegel Center artwork

Published by Robin Garcia on

The Flegel Center is to be redecorated and to have photos by local photographer and state representative Gary Leif.
Photo provided by Pixabay

ASUCC approves partial funding for Flegel Center artwork

The athletics department has been putting together a redecoration project for the Flegel Center’s baseball dorms that will include photos by local photographer and state representative, Gary Leif.

“SBDC (Small Business Development Center) and the athletics department collaborated on it,” Athletic Director Craig Jackson says. SBDC, ASUCC and the athletics department will display the pictures in the Flegel Center foyer and on blank walls along the hallways. Jackson said that the goal for this project is “to share some of Douglas County with our students.”

Faith Byars, a Phi Theta Kappa officer, said that the athletic department representatives approached ASUCC, UCC’s student government and leadership group, requesting up to $3,800 out of a total of $7,600 needed for the project.

The $7600 included framing costs and labor to hang the artwork, but the artwork itself was donated.The athletics department met with ASUCC in several separate meetings to request funding assistance with the project. A PTK officer clarified that the athletics department’s request didn’t mention who the artist for the photos was until they had presented their request the second time.

“I gave them access to all my images to use in any way they wish. I made no exclusive deal with them, I just supported the project, and they were thrilled,” Leif says.

The Flegel Center housed student athletes as of November 2019.
Photo provided by The Mainstream

According to ASUCC minutes, about half of the $7600 has been raised and several funding ideas were proposed.

The athletic department is “still working on the complete funding model,” Jackson says.

In earlier discussions, an ASUCC member said they suggested soliciting donations of artwork from a range of local artists instead to save money, but the individuals working on this project had already been approved for the present concept.

The athletic department insisted on using the photos they had chosen by Gary Leif however, Byars says.

ASUCC discussed whether it would be appropriate to accept a donation from a community member who is also a state representative. They also brought up a concern about the fact that funding proposals are supposed to be authored or co-authored by students.

Questions were also raised about students’ and athletes’ interest in the project because it benefits such a small number of students. A PTK officer who was present at one of the ASUCC meetings mentioned that she spoke to baseball players living in the dorm who said they didn’t really care about what was on the dorm walls.

In an earlier ASUCC meeting, Jesika Barnes, ASUCC president, indicated that ASUCC does have funding available; however that does not mean that funds should be granted and/or it does not need to fund the project’s entirety, she said.

Once it was discussed again in the next ASUCC meeting, they motioned to approve $750 toward installation fees for the photography project, says Byars.

Throughout the funding approval process, concern was expressed over the overall cost of the project, the fact that it wasn’t co-authored by a student, the project wasn’t presented to the ASUCC with the required signatures, and the baseball players disinterest in the photos.

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