My little girl

Instead of hating myself for everything I didn’t do, I will apologize for everything I did.  You did not deserve the hatred and blame I threw at you. You were a child. A little girl trying to figure out how to survive the big scary world all by herself. I’m Read more…

Trail to Wellness

Trails to Wellness is a program brought to Umpqua Community College by the college’s new wellness counselor, Casey Kohl. The program’s purpose is to provide students with 24/7/365 access to a hotline for mental health counselors and local services such as resources for food, housing, and mental health. In order Read more…

Gift book ideas

Books make great Christmas gifts for readers. The New York Times has published their top 10 books of the year, and The Mainstream has added a few additions of our favorite books to guide your shopping. Mainstream Book Suggestions New York Times Books of the Year

UCC welcomes new staff

In the fall term, 2023, UCC welcomed three new teachers: Associate Professor James Mortensen, Associate Professor Blake Norton, and Associate Professor Joseph Richards. While all three have a different story for what brought them to UCC, they all make a great addition to the campus. Mortensen James Mortenson, the new Read more…