Budget Bonanza: Do you know where your tuition goes?

Published by Jazmin Ode on

Tapʰòytʰaʼ Hall is one of the 20 buildings on campus. The building is a common place for the Board of Education to hold their meetings. Jazmin Ode / The Mainstream

The Board of Education’s public budget hearing to discuss the approved budget for fiscal year 2024-25 will take place at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 8 at the main campus in Tapʰòytʰaʼ Hall, room14. The main campus is located at 1140 Umpqua College Rd.   

 The agenda packet is available for viewing though the Board Meeting website page. 

According to the Oregon Department of Revenue’s Local Budgeting Manual, “A fiscal year begins July 1 and ends June 30.” To prepare for the next budget that begins this summer, UCC is currently working through the first and second phases of the budget process: preparation of the proposed budget and approval of the proposed budget by the budget committee. The third phase will be adoption of the budget. 

Members of the public can view next year’s FY 2024-25 and “Budget Development Timeline” on UCC’s Budget Documents and Presentations webpage. This webpage also has information about previous years. 

Those of the public who would like to comment need to submit an email to UCC@umpqua.edu by 5 p.m. the day prior to the meeting. The UCC’s Board Meetings webpage requests that this email include “your name, address and city of residence for full consideration.” Time for “citizen comments” is provided after the pledge of allegiance on the agenda. Speakers will be limited to three minutes for each person. 

Members of the public who wish to attend via Zoom link also have to notify their intent by email before 5 p.m. on the day prior to the meeting.  

The current Board of Education is composed of Twila McDonald (Zone 1: North County), Melvin “Bud” Smith (Zone 2: North Central), David Littlejohn (Zone 3: West Central), Erica Mills (Zone 4: East Central), Guy N. Kennerly (Zone 5: South Central), Caroline Lydon (Zone 6: Southeast County) and Steve Loosley (Zone 7: District at Large).