“On The Rise” Annual student-based art show winners announced

Published by Jace Boyd on

Three people stand to the right looking with interest to the left. Behind them are different artwork varying from traditional, acrylic and colored pencil.
Guests admire student work at The Art Gallery. Amaryah Vara / The Mainstream

This month The Art Gallery at UCC presented “On the Rise,” an annual student exhibition.

The show featured over 67 pieces of student-created artwork, running from May 13 through June 5. The awards were announced in a gallery reception held May 16.

Images by Mason Ramirez and Gerardo Lopez / The Mainstream

Over the past year, artists within different media have worked with great effort at the chance to be chosen to have their art featured in the student art gallery showing. A group of faculty members, which included the chair, dean and vice president mutually agreed upon which students would receive the honor to be in the art show, and they also decided the award winners.

Red conté crayon figure of a naked man facing away from the viewer. He is kneeling down. His dog is at his side holding underwear for him.

Natalie Hall, a General Studies student, received the RiverHawk Award for her “Man and Dog” Conté crayon drawing.

Maggie Campbell received the Vice President Award for her ceramic piece “Mother.”

Ceramic piece of a woman's stomach and thighs stands on a pedestal. To the right of this is the artist. She is wearing glasses and smiling as she holds her infant.
A golden ceramic lamp is positioned on a pedestal. The artist stands to the right of it holding her award. She has a bag slung across her chest and is smiling.

Carly Thompson, an art major, received the Dean Award for her “Lampara,” a functioning ceramic lamp.

Rachel Brady received the Chair Award for her “Still Life with Orange” acrylic painting.

Acrylic painting of a 3-D letter "P". An orange is placed on the top of it. These items are placed on an off-white background.

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